Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dare I Deviate?

Pictures are often an easy replacement for the more tricky business of painting a picture with words. But to spare myself the trouble, and you the time, I shall make my first picture post:

Ma petite chambre

Our little kitchen Table for tea, talking and breakfast

Kitchen another view: Kitchens are always of great importance to me because I spend such a considerable amount of time in them. Note all the bottled water, and the Paul's bag (currently used for recycling) but the BEST boulangerie in the city.

Four favourite Filles (Can I include myself?) Left to right: My apartment mate Jenna, myself, French Justine, and Mariah from Alaska. We stopped briefly in an Irish pub upon a live band recommendation, got a drink, took a picture, didn't like the look of the place, and left.


Anna McClurg said...

fun! :)

Lindsay said...

It looks very cute and cozy. Hope you are having a blast!

Krista said...

One month is long enough.
More, please.